As an IBM certified training partner, WebTek Labs offers a comprehensive variety of information technology training to the students. With its inception in the year 2011, it has excelled as one of the pioneers in the information technology sector. With a team of highly talented individuals who are possessed with the best skillsets in information technology, it has bagged an esteemed set of clients over the years. A variety of certification programs are organized by the company from time to time. This makes the students up and ready for the various challenges of the industry ahead.
Recently, it has come up with the summer training 2015 for aspiring engineering students. With an experienced set of faculty, who are quite adept in providing the required skillsets to the students, the various courses have been designed in a very articulate way. Each of the course modules are incorporated with the latest and modern inputs which can guide the students in a precise way for the future. Currently, the courses are scheduled to begin spanning across all the centres in India ranging from Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Chandigarh. When you take a look at the different courses on offer, you certainly have a lot to learn as a student.
You can take your pick from a variety of specializations which covers the different modules of the information technology field. You can learn the IBM Enterprise Project Development using Java or J2EE. This particular course has been classified into Core Java and Advanced Java. The IBM Mobile Application Development using Worklight is another course which you can select from the curriculum. This particular course covers some of the versions like IOS, Symbian and Blackberry. You can enroll for the summer training for ece students and avail early discount offers.
Recently, it has come up with the summer training 2015 for aspiring engineering students. With an experienced set of faculty, who are quite adept in providing the required skillsets to the students, the various courses have been designed in a very articulate way. Each of the course modules are incorporated with the latest and modern inputs which can guide the students in a precise way for the future. Currently, the courses are scheduled to begin spanning across all the centres in India ranging from Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Chandigarh. When you take a look at the different courses on offer, you certainly have a lot to learn as a student.
You can take your pick from a variety of specializations which covers the different modules of the information technology field. You can learn the IBM Enterprise Project Development using Java or J2EE. This particular course has been classified into Core Java and Advanced Java. The IBM Mobile Application Development using Worklight is another course which you can select from the curriculum. This particular course covers some of the versions like IOS, Symbian and Blackberry. You can enroll for the summer training for ece students and avail early discount offers.
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